May 01, 2019

It is in our hands.

Sustainability is a very serious topic; and it has never been as important as today. The signs are clear. Especially in agriculture we are confronted with the clearly noticeable consequences of a progressive ecological change. This circumstance calls for intelligent farming practices and for a general rethinking in agriculture.

Our family is responsible for 30 hectares of valuable natural assets. As such we are well aware that our land must remain healthy and intact, not only in the interest of future generations but also to ensure the best possible quality of grapes. We will preserve the diverse flora and fauna of this unique cultural landscape. Together with our likeminded colleagues we try to sharpen the social awareness, because it does matter what you have in your glass and on your plate. The seal of quality Sustainable Austria stands for such a contribution. It is designed to protect the health of the soils, the vines, and the plants and wildlife with which we share our land. It is a form of agriculture that has the ability to sustain itself.

The quality seal at a glance

“Sustainable Austria” is a seal of quality for sustainably produced wines. The winery is screened every year. The wines have to be produced according to strict economic, ecological and social criteria. From planting & cultivating the vineyards, from harvesting to bottling, the production process is screened for its sustainability. The use of herbicides & insecticides is forbidden. Among other factors, biodiversity, economical use of water & energy, manual work and the efficient use of machines are evaluated, but also fair working conditions, sustainable economic practices and low intervention in the cellar. Only if all requirements are met a winery can label its wines with the quality seal.